2017 CHEERSPORT NationalsFeb 15, 2017 by Varsity TV
CHEERSPORT Nationals Level 5 Results
CHEERSPORT Nationals Level 5 Results
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Level 5 Results
Scroll to find your division or click below to jump to the results you are looking for.Youth | Junior Restricted | Junior Restricted Coed | Junior | Junior Coed | Senior Restricted D2 | Senior Small Restricted | Senior Large Restricted | Senior Small Restricted Coed D2 | Senior Small Restricted Coed | Senior Large Restricted Coed | Senior Small Division A | Senior Small Division B | Senior Medium | Senior Large | Senior Small Coed Division A | Senior Small Coed Division B | Senior Medium Coed | Senior Large Coed
| International Open Small Coed | International Open Large Coed
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Cheer Extreme | Youth Elite Butterflies | 93.50 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Cheer Extreme | Youth Elite Butterflies | 93.18 |
Junior Restricted
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | GymTyme All-Stars | Lady Red | 93.62 |
2 | Cheer Tyme | Heart Stoppers | 92.05 |
3 | Cheer Extreme | Lilies | 91.4 |
4 | Cheer Sport Sharks | White Fin Sharks | 89.3 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | GymTyme All-Stars | Lady Red | 93.8 |
2 | Cheer Extreme | Lilies | 93.34 |
3 | Cheer Tyme | Heart Stoppers | 92.64 |
4 | Cheer Sport Sharks | White Fin Sharks | 89.36 |
Junior Restricted Coed
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Georgia Heat | Ignite | 91.00 |
2 | Cheer Athletics - Charlotte | SuperiorCats | 90.80 |
3 | ATA | Fusion | 89.92 |
4 | Cheer Athletics - Austin | CrystalCats | 88.42 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Cheer Athletics - Charlotte | SuperiorCats | 92.2 |
2 | ATA | Fusion | 91.73 |
3 | Georgia Heat | Ignite | 91.6 |
4 | Cheer Athletics - Austin | CrystalCats | 88.74 |
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Green | 95.57 |
2 | Cheer Extreme - Chicago | Obsession | 91.78 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Green | 96.07 |
2 | Cheer Extreme - Chicago | Obsession | 91.58 |
Junior Coed
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Cheer Extreme | Crush | 94.53 |
2 | Premier Athletics - Knoxville West | Tiger Sharks | 90.25 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Cheer Extreme | Crush | 94.4 |
2 | Premier Athletics - Knoxville West | Tiger Sharks | 90.99 |
Senior Restricted D2
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | South Georgia Allstars | Legacy | 91.50 |
2 | Savannah Sharks | Relentless | 90.12 |
3 | Double Down All Stars | Elektra | 89.23 |
4 | MGA Cheer Extreme | Lady Orbit | 88.97 |
5 | World of Cheer Wildcats | Inferno5 | 88.68 |
6 | TKO MD | Goddesses | 88.47 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | South Georgia Allstars | Legacy | 91.83 |
2 | Savannah Sharks | Relentless | 90.17 |
3 | Double Down All Stars | Elektra | 90.07 |
4 | MGA Cheer Extreme | Lady Orbit | 90.05 |
5 | TKO MD | Goddesses | 89.47 |
6 | World of Cheer Wildcats | Inferno5 | 88.57 |
Senior Small Restricted
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Infinity Allstars | Lady Luck | 95.17 |
2 | The Stingray All Stars Johns Creek | Black Diamond | 94.23 |
3 | Cheer Extreme - Salem | Legacy | 93.60 |
4 | Aloha Cheer Academy | QUEEN BEES | 93.58 |
5 | The Atlanta Jayhawks | PLATINUM | 93.43 |
6 | Memphis Pride Allstars | Inferno | 93.20 |
7 | Cheer Extreme - Chicago | Dream | 92.40 |
8 | Cheer Athletics - Charlotte | ReignCats | 91.83 |
9 | Zone Cheer All-Stars | Supremacy | 91.55 |
10 | Cheer Extreme - Sanford | Cyclones | 91.20 |
11 | Brandon All-Stars East | Senior Midnight | 90.42 |
12 | Cheer Force One | Generals | 90.28 |
13 | Cheer Extreme - Lake Norman | Vortex | 89.45 |
14 | All Star One | Bomb Squad | 88.57 |
15 | ACX Diamonds | SR5 | 84.45 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Infinity Allstars | Lady Luck | 96.12 |
2 | The Stingray All Stars Johns Creek | Black Diamond | 94.81 |
3 | Aloha Cheer Academy | QUEEN BEES | 94.07 |
4 | The Atlanta Jayhawks | PLATINUM | 94.06 |
5 | Cheer Extreme - Salem | Legacy | 93.94 |
6 | Memphis Pride Allstars | Inferno | 93.83 |
7 | Cheer Athletics - Charlotte | ReignCats | 92.86 |
8 | Zone Cheer All-Stars | Supremacy | 92.69 |
9 | Cheer Extreme - Chicago | Dream | 92.59 |
10 | Cheer Extreme - Sanford | Cyclones | 91.41 |
11 | Brandon All-Stars East | Senior Midnight | 90.6 |
12 | Cheer Extreme - Lake Norman | Vortex | 90.3 |
13 | All Star One | Bomb Squad | 89.53 |
14 | Cheer Force One | Generals | 89.34 |
15 | ACX Diamonds | SR5 | 87.61 |
Senior Large Restricted
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Twisters | Steel | 91.62 |
2 | PCT Cobras | Rapture | 87.73 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Twisters | Steel | 93.4 |
2 | PCT Cobras | Rapture | 88.15 |
Senior Small Restricted Coed D2
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 |
1 | Broward Elite Allstars | Prowlerz | 93.70 |
2 | Rockstar Cheer | Red Hot Chili Peppers | 93.48 |
3 | Cheer Fusion Allstars | Prodigy | 93.13 |
4 | Florida Top Dog All Stars | Thunder | 92.62 |
5 | Rockstar Cheer Columbia | Nickleback | 92.58 |
6 | ACX | Sci-5 | 92.23 |
7 | Rock Solid All Stars | Majesty | 92.13 |
8 | Premier Athletics - Knoxville North | Cobra Sharks | 91.73 |
9 | ACE Cheer Company - HAT | Seminoles | 91.60 |
10 | Indiana Ultimate | Electric Blue | 91.55 |
11 | Bluegrass Athletics | Senior 5 | 91.45 |
12 | Pro Cheer | Ravens | 91.13 |
13 | ACE Cheer Company - TUS | Renegades | 89.32 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Florida Top Dog All Stars | Thunder | 94.23 |
2 | Rockstar Cheer | Red Hot Chili Peppers | 94.11 |
3 | Broward Elite Allstars | Prowlerz | 93.88 |
4 | Cheer Fusion Allstars | Prodigy | 93.27 |
5 | Rockstar Cheer Columbia | Nickleback | 93.26 |
6 | ACX | Sci-5 | 93 |
7 | Premier Athletics - Knoxville North | Cobra Sharks | 92.26 |
8 | Indiana Ultimate | Electric Blue | 92.01 |
9 | Rock Solid All Stars | Majesty | 91.98 |
10 | Bluegrass Athletics | Senior 5 | 91.42 |
11 | Pro Cheer | Ravens | 91.18 |
12 | ACE Cheer Company - HAT | Seminoles | 91.18 |
13 | ACE Cheer Company - TUS | Renegades | 90.9 |
Senior Small Restricted Coed
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Rockstar Cheer Atlanta | The Who | 93.28 |
2 | Maine Stars | Excel | 93.20 |
3 | CS Premier - GEMS | Onyx | 92.95 |
3 | Cheer Factory | Fuse Five | 92.95 |
5 | 1st Class Athletics | Diamonds | 92.43 |
6 | Victory! All Stars | Tanzanite | 92.12 |
7 | Elite All Stars | Fierce 5 | 92.05 |
8 | Knight Time Cheer | Infinite 5 | 91.97 |
9 | Team Universe Cheer | G5 | 91.85 |
10 | Liberty Cheer | Liberty Cheer | 91.53 |
11 | TumbleCheer Heroes | Avengers Force | 87.55 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Knight Time Cheer | Infinite 5 | 94.04 |
2 | Rockstar Cheer Atlanta | The Who | 93.77 |
3 | 1st Class Athletics | Diamonds | 93.03 |
4 | Maine Stars | Excel | 92.96 |
5 | Cheer Factory | Fuse Five | 92.73 |
6 | Elite All Stars | Fierce 5 | 92.66 |
7 | CS Premier - GEMS | Onyx | 92.53 |
8 | Team Universe Cheer | G5 | 92.18 |
9 | Victory! All Stars | Tanzanite | 92.04 |
10 | Liberty Cheer | Liberty Cheer | 91.21 |
11 | TumbleCheer Heroes | Avengers Force | 87.45 |
Senior Large Restricted Coed
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Brandon All-Stars | Senior Titanium | 95.65 |
2 | Extreme All Stars | SR5 | 93.60 |
3 | Cheer Extreme | Smoke | 92.65 |
4 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Spice | 90.68 |
5 | Platinum Athletics | PAC Elite | 88.33 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Brandon All-Stars | Senior Titanium | 96.08 |
2 | Extreme All Stars | SR5 | 94.58 |
3 | Cheer Extreme | Smoke | 93.41 |
4 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Spice | 90.45 |
5 | Platinum Athletics | PAC Elite | 89.68 |
Senior Small Division A
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Cheer Express Allstars | Miss Silver | 95.07 |
2 | All Star One | Lady Bang | 92.53 |
3 | Midwest Cheer Elite - FL | Florida Solar Elite | 92.35 |
4 | Ohio Extreme | Queens | 92.05 |
5 | Icon Cheer | Envy | 91.98 |
6 | Twisters | Gold | 91.32 |
7 | Elite Heat All-Stars | 24k | 90.05 |
8 | Crimson Heat All Stars | 5Alarm | 89.28 |
9 | Fire House Gym | TNT Lady Boom | 87.78 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Cheer Express Allstars | Miss Silver | 94.85 |
2 | Twisters | Gold | 93.09 |
3 | Icon Cheer | Envy | 92.65 |
4 | All Star One | Lady Bang | 92.63 |
5 | Midwest Cheer Elite - FL | Florida Solar Elite | 92.5 |
6 | Ohio Extreme | Queens | 91.83 |
7 | Elite Heat All-Stars | 24k | 91.39 |
8 | Crimson Heat All Stars | 5Alarm | 89.8 |
9 | Fire House Gym | TNT Lady Boom | 89.2 |
Senior Small Division B
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Apple | 96.57 |
2 | Top Gun All Stars | Angels | 94.73 |
3 | Cheer Athletics - Austin | OnyxCats | 93.40 |
4 | Georgia Heat | Inferno | 93.25 |
5 | PCT Cobras | Vengeance | 92.28 |
6 | Five Star | Superstars | 91.35 |
7 | CNY Storm All Stars | Warning | 91.17 |
8 | ACE Cheer Company - Huntsville | Lady Warriors | 82.63 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Apple | 96.28 |
2 | Cheer Athletics - Austin | OnyxCats | 94.8 |
3 | Georgia Heat | Inferno | 94.25 |
4 | Top Gun All Stars | Angels | 94.06 |
5 | PCT Cobras | Vengeance | 92.73 |
6 | Five Star | Superstars | 92.13 |
7 | CNY Storm All Stars | Warning | 91.09 |
8 | ACE Cheer Company - Huntsville | Lady Warriors | 91.01 |
Senior Medium
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Brandon All-Stars | Senior Pink | 94.60 |
2 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Peach | 93.88 |
3 | Top Gun All Stars | Lady Jags | 92.97 |
4 | Cheer Extreme - Chicago | Passion | 91.38 |
5 | Platinum Athletics | PAC5 | 91.17 |
6 | Cheer Extreme - Waldorf | Shade | 90.32 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Peach | 95.1 |
2 | Brandon All-Stars | Senior Pink | 93.83 |
3 | Top Gun All Stars | Lady Jags | 93.45 |
4 | Cheer Extreme - Chicago | Passion | 92.75 |
5 | Platinum Athletics | PAC5 | 92.32 |
6 | Cheer Extreme - Waldorf | Shade | 91.32 |
Senior Large
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Orange | 96.65 |
2 | Cheer Extreme | Senior Elite | 96.30 |
3 | ACE Cheer Company - HAT | Chiefs | 92.63 |
4 | Cheer Savannah Allstars | Lady Lace | 92.00 |
5 | Pittsburgh Superstars | Supermodels | 88.68 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Orange | 97.79 |
2 | Cheer Extreme | Senior Elite | 96.75 |
3 | Cheer Savannah Allstars | Lady Lace | 92.8 |
4 | ACE Cheer Company - HAT | Chiefs | 92.48 |
5 | Pittsburgh Superstars | Supermodels | 91.08 |
Senior Small Coed Division A
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Twist & Shout Tulsa | Diamonds | 96.47 |
2 | Top Gun All Stars | Top Gun SW - Fierce 5 | 95.13 |
3 | Flip City All Stars | Black Out | 92.20 |
4 | Indiana Ultimate | U5 | 91.43 |
5 | Georgia All Stars | Coed 5 | 90.98 |
6 | All Star One | Big Bang | 90.67 |
7 | Louisiana Spirit | Red | 89.82 |
8 | Dream Allstars | Eternity | 89.63 |
9 | World Class Athletics | Black Diamonds | 89.53 |
10 | New York Icons | Perfection | 88.53 |
11 | Island Xtreme | Legacy | 86.73 |
12 | ACE Cheer Company - PC | Pride | 86.65 |
13 | One United All Stars | Black Knights | 85.23 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Twist & Shout Tulsa | Diamonds | 97.77 |
2 | Top Gun All Stars | Top Gun SW - Fierce 5 | 95.11 |
3 | Georgia All Stars | Coed 5 | 93.26 |
4 | Flip City All Stars | Black Out | 91.94 |
5 | Indiana Ultimate | U5 | 91.75 |
6 | Louisiana Spirit | Red | 91.32 |
7 | World Class Athletics | Black Diamonds | 91.21 |
8 | All Star One | Big Bang | 90.66 |
9 | Dream Allstars | Eternity | 90.08 |
10 | Island Xtreme | Legacy | 88.75 |
11 | New York Icons | Perfection | 88.71 |
12 | ACE Cheer Company - PC | Pride | 87.71 |
13 | One United All Stars | Black Knights | 86.8 |
Senior Small Coed Division B
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Brandon All-Stars | Senior Black | 96.08 |
2 | Cheer Athletics - Charlotte | RoyalCats | 96.02 |
3 | Florida Top Dog All Stars | Rain | 94.87 |
4 | ACX | Kat Daddies | 93.05 |
5 | Cheer Extreme - Richmond | X5 | 92.05 |
6 | Cheer Tyme | Obsession | 91.08 |
7 | Ohio Extreme | Royal Vibe | 89.88 |
8 | Tumble Tech | Alpha | 89.00 |
9 | Titanium Athletics | Bionic | 87.75 |
10 | Lions Cheer Company | Senior Coed 5 | 86.62 |
11 | Spirit Factory | Senior Ice | 86.13 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Brandon All-Stars | Senior Black | 96.41 |
2 | Cheer Athletics - Charlotte | RoyalCats | 95.98 |
3 | Florida Top Dog All Stars | Rain | 94.75 |
4 | ACX | Kat Daddies | 92.82 |
5 | Cheer Extreme - Richmond | X5 | 91.82 |
6 | Cheer Tyme | Obsession | 91.27 |
7 | Ohio Extreme | Royal Vibe | 90.13 |
8 | Tumble Tech | Alpha | 89.64 |
9 | Titanium Athletics | Bionic | 88.51 |
10 | Lions Cheer Company | Senior Coed 5 | 87.34 |
11 | Spirit Factory | Senior Ice | 85.38 |
Senior Medium Coed
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Rockstar Cheer | Beatles | 94.87 |
2 | Central Florida Athletics- Jacksonville | Black Jax | 92.35 |
3 | Cheer Extreme - Raleigh | SMOEX | 92.20 |
4 | GymTyme All-Stars | Platinum | 90.40 |
5 | ACE Cheer Company - JAC | Wild Bunch | 87.18 |
6 | ACX Diamonds | Diamond Daddies | 85.90 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Rockstar Cheer | Beatles | 95.35 |
2 | Cheer Extreme - Raleigh | SMOEX | 93.39 |
3 | Central Florida Athletics- Jacksonville | Black Jax | 92.54 |
4 | GymTyme All-Stars | Platinum | 91.23 |
5 | ACE Cheer Company - JAC | Wild Bunch | 90.15 |
6 | ACX Diamonds | Diamond Daddies | 87.21 |
Senior Large Coed
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Top Gun All Stars | TGLC | 97.92 |
2 | ACE Cheer Company - BHM | Warriors | 96.07 |
3 | Cheer Extreme | Coed Elite | 95.62 |
4 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Steel | 93.05 |
5 | Pro Cheer | Eagles | 90.85 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Top Gun All Stars | TGLC | 98.58 |
2 | ACE Cheer Company - BHM | Warriors | 96.12 |
3 | Cheer Extreme | Coed Elite | 95.83 |
4 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Steel | 92.85 |
5 | Pro Cheer | Eagles | 89.34 |
International Open Small Coed
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Electric | 94.95 |
2 | Cheer Athletics - Charlotte | KingCats | 94.03 |
3 | Indiana Ultimate | Insanity | 91.90 |
4 | Knight Time Cheer | Legacy | 91.80 |
5 | Central Mississippi Cheer | Central Mississippi Cheer | 90.15 |
6 | Step Ahead All-Stars | Cinco | 89.65 |
7 | Galaxy Cheer-Force | RECON | 86.85 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | The Stingray All Stars Marietta | Electric | 96 |
2 | Cheer Athletics - Charlotte | KingCats | 94.3 |
3 | Indiana Ultimate | Insanity | 94.05 |
4 | Knight Time Cheer | Legacy | 92.39 |
5 | Central Mississippi Cheer | Central Mississippi Cheer | 90.02 |
6 | Step Ahead All-Stars | Cinco | 89.86 |
7 | Galaxy Cheer-Force | RECON | 86.16 |
International Open Large Coed
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Rockstar Cheer | Rolling Stones | 96.58 |
2 | Cheer Omega All-Star | Omicron | 92.65 |
3 | Cheer Athletics - Austin | Black Diamond | 91.88 |
4 | The Atlanta Jayhawks | MIDNIGHT | 89.63 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Rockstar Cheer | Rolling Stones | 96.67 |
2 | Cheer Omega All-Star | Omicron | 94.04 |
3 | Cheer Athletics - Austin | Black Diamond | 91.88 |
4 | The Atlanta Jayhawks | MIDNIGHT | 89.21 |
Senior Recreation
Rank | Program | Team | Day 1 Score |
1 | Jacket Cheer | Senior Rec 5 | 92.08 |
Rank | Program | Team | Final Score |
1 | Jacket Cheer | Senior Rec 5 | 91.91 |