UCA & NCA College Nationals To Include Game Day Divisions!
UCA & NCA College Nationals To Include Game Day Divisions!
UCA, NCA & NDA introduce new Game Day divisions at their respective 2018 College Nationals!

UCA, NCA & NDA have announced they will introduce new Game Day divisions at their respective 2018 College National Championships!
Game Day is steadily growing each and every year! In previous years on day one at NCA & NDA College Nationals, the Game Day portion of each routine took place right before the traditional two minute and fifteen second music portion in Prelims. Each team was given 45 seconds to complete their Game Day segment.
At the UCA & UDA College Cheerleading and Dance Team National Championship, cheer teams performed a cheer in the middle of their two minute and thirty second routine. The cheer portion of each routine accounted for 35 points of their total score.
NOW, Game Day will have its own category at both college championships! We can't wait to hear the inside details [coming soon] on the exciting new divisions!
Brya D'Abrosca, Oklahoma State University
I'm so excited about the new Game Day division! I think it's such a cool new opportunity and I think it's going to be great!
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