5 Ways To Unwind After A Long Day Of School And Practice

5 Ways To Unwind After A Long Day Of School And Practice

Five tips to help athletes wind down and relax after a long day of school and practice.

Dec 29, 2016 by Varsity TV
5 Ways To Unwind After A Long Day Of School And Practice

Balancing the life of a student-athlete can be hard. Making good grades, going to practice, eating healthy, and cheering ball games is a lot to manage in one day. After a full day of activities, here is a handful of tips to help you wind down and get a good night's sleep!

1. Wash away your troubles

A hot bath with Epsom salt or a bath bomb will help relax your muscles and your mind. Add some essential oils and tea lights for the full spa effect!



2.Skip the caffeine and sugar

Sugar and caffeine before bed will keep you up longer and will rob your body of the precious sleep you need to allow it to recover after a long day of practice. Try Sleepytime Hot Tea to help satisfy your sweet tooth and help you unwind before bed.



3.Unplug from electronics

Limit your social media usage late at night to help your mind relax before bed. Scrolling through Twitter or Instagram while laying in bed keeps your mind alert and makes falling asleep difficult. For better sleep, unplug from your tech 30 minutes before bedtime.

4.Nighttime yoga

Yoga and meditation are known to relax your body and mind. Doing nighttime yoga can help you reach a deeper sleep at night!



5.Organize for the day ahead

Worrying about tomorrow will only hinder your sleep schedule. Set out your clothes and organize your planner and backpack to help you feel more prepared for the day ahead. Now it's time to catch some Zs!

