2017 UDA National Dance Team ChampionshipJan 26, 2017 by Varsity TV
UDA National Dance Team Championship Medium Varsity Results 2017
UDA National Dance Team Championship Medium Varsity Results 2017
The 2017 UDA National Dance Team Championship Medium Varsity Results!

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Medium Varsity Results
Medium Varsity Pom | Medium Varsity Hip Hop | Medium Varsity Jazz A | Medium Varsity Jazz B | Medium Varsity Jazz CScroll to find your division you are looking for.
Medium Varsity Pom
Rank | Final Results |
1 | St Thomas More Catholic School |
2 | Stevenson High School |
3 | Cherry Creek High School |
4 | Chaparral High School AZ |
5 | Grandview High School |
6 | Murrieta Valley High School |
7 | Lindbergh High School |
8 | Dakota High School |
9 | Waukee High School |
10 | St Ursula Academy |
11 | South Brunswick High School |
12 | Cactus Shadows High School |
Medium Varsity Hip Hop
Rank | Final Results |
1 | Carlsbad High School |
2 | Westmoore High School |
3 | St Amant High School |
4 | Hendersonville High School |
5 | Francis Howell High School |
6 | Howell Central High School |
7 | Hunterdon Central High School |
8 | Center Hill High School |
9 | Waukee High School |
10 | Northville High School |
11 | Cactus Shadows High School |
12 | Dupont Manual High School |
Medium Varsity Jazz
Rank | Final Results |
1 | St Thomas More Catholic School |
2 | Westmoore High School |
3 | Carlsbad High School |
4 | Assumption High School |
5 | Northville High School |
6 | Murrieta Valley High School |
7 | Chaparral High School AZ |
8 | Chaparral High School |
9 | Stevenson High School |
10 | St Amant High School |
11 | Cherry Creek High School |
12 | St Ursula Academy |
13 | South Brunswick High School |
14 | Andrew High School |
15 | Hunterdon Central High School |