2017 UDA National Dance Team ChampionshipJan 29, 2017 by Varsity TV
UDA National Dance Team Championship All Star Senior Results 2017
UDA National Dance Team Championship All Star Senior Results 2017
Welcome to the All Star Senior Results page!

Welcome to the All Star Senior Results page! Continue scrolling to find your division. Don't see your division or team? Are you sure you're looking in the correct level? Click here to head back to the UDA National Dance Team Championship Results Hub.
Large Senior Hip Hop
Large Senior Lyrical
Large Senior Coed Hip Hop
Small Senior Hip Hop
All Star Senior Results
Scroll to find your division you are looking for.Large Senior Pom
Rank | Team Name |
1 | Dancers Edge Studio |
2 | The Vision Dance Center |
3 | ORDTTA |
Large Senior Hip Hop
Rank | Team Name |
1 | ORDTTA |
2 | The Vision Dance Center |
3 | NY Majestic Dance Team |
Large Senior Jazz
Rank | Team Name |
1 | The Vision Dance Center |
2 | ORDTTA |
Large Senior Lyrical
Rank | Team Name |
1 | The Vision Dance Center |
2 | Dancers Edge Studio |
3 | 360 Dance |
4 | NY Majestic Dance Team |
Large Senior Coed Hip Hop
Rank | Name |
1 | Extreme All Stars |
Senior Kick
Rank | Team Name |
1 | Sandia Prep All Stars |
2 | Dance Alley |
3 | BAS Dance Studio |
Senior Variety
Rank | Team Name |
1 | Dance Mania |
2 | The Vision Dance Center |
Small Senior Pom "A"
Rank | Team Name |
1 | Rhythm Dance Studio |
2 | Jersey Girls |
3 | Dance Alley |
4 | Sandia Prep All Stars |
Small Senior Pom "B"
Rank | Team Name |
1 | Iowa CATS |
2 | iNFiNiTi All Stars |
3 | Storm Dance Alliance |
4 | J and K Elite Studio |
5 | Prima Dance Studio |
6 | Dimensions Dance Company |
7 | BAS Dance Studio |
Small Senior Hip Hop
Rank | Team Name |
1 | Rhythm Dance Studio |
2 | 1st Class Athletics |
3 | The Vision Dance Center |
4 | Prima Dance Studio |
Small Senior Jazz "A"
Rank | Team Name |
1 | The Vision Dance Center |
2 | Jersey Girls |
3 | Iowa CATS |
4 | iNFiNiTi All Stars |
5 | Dimensions Dance Company |
6 | Rhythm Dance Studio |
7 | Sandia Prep All Stars |
Small Senior Jazz "B"
Rank | Team Name |
1 | Dance Mania |
2 | NY Majestic Dance Team |
3 | J and K Elite Studio |
4 | Storm Dance Alliance |
5 | Prima Dance Studio |
Small Senior Lyrical
Rank | Team Name |
1 | Dancers Edge Studio |
2 | NVS Dance |
3 | Iowa CATS |
4 | iNFiNiTi All Stars |
5 | Dimensions Dance Company |
Small Senior Coed Hip Hop
Rank | Team Name |
1 | Extreme All Stars |