2017 JAMfest Cheer Super NationalsJan 20, 2017 by Varsity TV
JAMfest Cheer Super Nationals Level 4.2 Results 2017
JAMfest Cheer Super Nationals Level 4.2 Results 2017
Welcome to the Level 4.2 Results page!

Welcome to the Level 4.2 Results page! Continue scrolling to find your division. Don't see your division or team? Are you sure you're looking in the correct level? Click here to head back to The JAMfest Cheer Super Nationals Results Hub.

L4.2 Large Senior | L4.2 Senior Coed | L4.2 Small Senior
L4.2 Large Senior Day 2

Level 4.2 Results
Scroll to find your division or click below to jump to the results you are looking for.L4.2 Large Senior | L4.2 Senior Coed | L4.2 Small Senior
L4.2 Large Senior Day 1
1 | All Star One | Explosives |
2 | Ultimate Canadian Cheer | Onyx Cats |
L4.2 Large Senior Day 2
1 | All Star One | Explosives |
2 | Ultimate Canadian Cheer | Onyx Cats |
L4.2 Senior Coed Day 1
1 | Cheer World | iota |
2 | Triple Crown Cheer Company | Sovereignty |
3 | Icon Cheer | Icon Cheer Edge |
4 | Brandon All-Stars | Senior Steel |
5 | Midwest Elite | F4 Phantom |
L4.2 Senior Coed Day 2
1 | Cheer World | iota |
2 | Brandon All-Stars | Senior Steel |
3 | Triple Crown Cheer Company | Sovereignty |
4 | Icon Cheer | Icon Cheer Edge |
5 | Midwest Elite | F4 Phantom |
L4.2 Small Senior Day 1
1 | X-Cel Athletics - Erie | RAGE |
2 | Reign Athletics | Reign |
3 | Wildcats Cheer Pride | Claw |
4 | Five Star | Mega Stars |
5 | Cheer Legendz | Pantherz |
6 | GTCO | Cyclones |
L4.2 Small Senior Day 2
1 | X-Cel Athletics - Erie | RAGE |
2 | Reign Athletics | Reign |
3 | Wildcats Cheer Pride | Claw |
4 | Five Star | Mega Stars |
5 | Cheer Legendz | Pantherz |
6 | GTCO | Cyclones |