2017 NCA & NDA Collegiate NationalsMar 28, 2017 by Varsity TV
NCA & NDA Collegiate Nationals Partner Stunt Results
NCA & NDA Collegiate Nationals Partner Stunt Results
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Partner Stunt Results
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Partner Stunt
FINAL RESULTSRank | School | Name |
1 | University of Kentucky | Whitney and Spencer |
2 | Texas Tech University | Sabrina and TJ |
3 | New Mexico State University | Lyla and Frank |
4 | Wilmington University | Wendy and Matthew |
5 | Weber State University | McKell and Ed |
6 | University of Kentucky | Kelsey and Chris |
7 | North Carolina State University | Mikayla and Brandon |
8 | Trinity Valley Community College | Lauren and Jeremy |
9 | Arkansas State University | Kelsie and Will |
10 | Weber State University | Elsa and Kollin |
11 | Trinity Valley Community College | Ashley and Jonathan |
12 | Trinity Valley Community College | Jade and Matt |
13 | Morehead State University | Shannon and Nick |
14 | University of Cincinnatti | Sam and Alex |