2017 NCA & NDA Collegiate NationalsMar 28, 2017 by Varsity TV
NCA & NDA Collegiate Nationals Group Stunt Results
NCA & NDA Collegiate Nationals Group Stunt Results
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Group Stunt Results
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Group Stunt
FINAL RESULTSRank | School | Name |
1 | California Baptist University | Taylor's Group |
2 | University of Louisville | Krista's Group |
3 | California Baptist University | Raylene's Group |
4 | Oklahoma State University | Brynn's Group |
5 | Clemson University | Lynsey's Group |
6 | University of Louisville | Mandy's Group |
7 | University of Louisville | Crystal's Group |
8 | Davenport University | Heather's Group |
9 | Lindenwood University | Emily's Group |
10 | Sam Houston State Uninversity | Danielle's Group |