Zero Deduction Routines From Day 1 of Nation's Choice Grand Nationals
Zero Deduction Routines From Day 1 of Nation's Choice Grand Nationals
Check out who hit zero deduction routines at Day 1 of Nation's Choice Grand Nationals.
Teams from all across the nation traveled to Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin for day one of the 2023 Nation's Choice Grand Nationals. Points towards The League by Varsity All Star are up for grabs, as well as the opportunity to earn Full-Paid and At-Large Bids to The Summit and end-of-the-season championship events.
Let's take a look at some must-see zero deduction routines from day one of action at Nation's Choice Grand Nationals.
Kouture Level Athletics - Lil' Ladies and A Gent
L1 Tiny - Novice - Restrictions
Wicked Elite - Gossip Girls
L1.1 Tiny - PREP
Element Athletics - Haze
L1.1 Youth - PREP
Element Athletics MKE - Solar Flare
L1.1 Youth - PREP
The Stingray All Stars - Dynamite
L1.1 Junior - PREP
Rockstar Athletics - Rebelz
L2.1 Youth - PREP
Fury Athletics of Madison - Trust
L2.1 Junior - PREP
Rockstar Athletics - Havoc
L2.2 Senior - PREP
Fury Athletics of Madison - Ambition
L2.2 Senior - PREP
Green Bay Elite All-Stars - Peach
L1 Tiny Semi-Finals
Northern Elite - Crush
L1 Mini Semi-Finals
GymTyme Illinois - Magic
L1 Mini Semi-Finals
ICE - Sunshine Girls
L1 Youth Semi-Finals
Northern Elite - Frenzy
L1 Youth Semi-Finals
ICE - Starlight
L1 Youth Semi-Finals
ICE - Trop1cs
L1 Junior Semi-Finals
Element Athletics - Aftershock
L1 Junior Semi-Finals
Platinum Athletics - Shine
L1 Senior Semi-Finals
GymTyme Illinois - Candy Girls
L2 Youth Semi-Finals
Northern Elite - Fierce
L2 Youth Semi-Finals
Rockstar Athletics - Notorious
L2 Youth - D2 Semi-Finals
Element Athletics - Sandstorm
L2 Youth - D2 Semi-Finals
Northern Elite - Riptide
L2 Junior - Small Semi-Finals
ICE - Moonlight
L2 Junior - Small Semi-Finals
Premier Athletics - Michigan - Supernova
L2 Junior - Small Semi-Finals
Fury Athletics of Madison - Honor
L2 Junior - D2 - Small Semi-Finals
Wicked Elite - Bellatrix
L2 Junior - D2 - Small Semi-Finals
GymTyme Illinois - Sugar
L2 Junior - Medium Semi-Finals
Northern Elite - Fury
L2 Senior Semi-Finals
Element Athletics MKE - Rumble
L2 Senior - D2 Semi-Finals
Element Athletics - Titanium
L2 Senior - D2 Semi-Finals
Northern Elite - Fever
L3 Youth Semi-Finals
GymTyme Illinois - Secret
L3 Junior Semi-Finals
Northern Elite - Rampage
L3 Junior Semi-Finals
WIDC - Black Ice
L3 Junior - D2 Semi-Finals
Element Athletics - Carbon Coed
L3 Junior - D2 Semi-Finals
Rockstar Athletics Ruckus
L3 Junior - D2 Semi-Finals
GymTyme Illinois - Gossip
L2 Senior Semi-Finals
Ultimate Dance & Cheer - Everest
L3 Senior - D2 - Semi-Finals
Fury Athletics of Madison - Respect
L3 Senior - D2 - Semi-Finals
ICE - SnowEd
L3 Senior Coed Semi-Finals
Fusion Athletics Green Bay - Aces
L3 Senior Coed - D2 - Semi-Finals
Platinum Athletics - Black Ice
L4.2 Senior Semi-Finals
GymTyme Illinois - Crew
L4.2 Senior Semi-Finals
Premier Athletics - Michigan Cat 4
L4 - U16 Coed Semi-Finals
ICE - StarStruck
L6 U18 Co-Ed NT Semi-Finals
GymTyme Illinois - Fever
L6 Senior Coed - XSmall Semi-Finals