2016 The U.S. Finals: Virginia Beach

Varsity.tv Must-See: U.S. Finals @ Virginia Beach

Varsity.tv Must-See: U.S. Finals @ Virginia Beach

Thought that the championship season ended with The Summit? Think again!

May 4, 2016 by Varsity TV
Varsity.tv Must-See: U.S. Finals @ Virginia Beach
Thought that the championship season ended with The Summit? Think again! For all the cheer fanatics out there, we’re excited to continue streaming the best events in the industry. Next in the lineup is this weekend’s U.S. Finals in Virginia Beach!  

The U.S. Finals will be the final destination for hundreds of teams from coast to coast. All in all, over 100 divisions will be represented from school, dance, recreation, prep and all-star teams, meaning there’s something for every kind of cheer fan. 

Teams had to qualify to make it to the U.S. Finals, so expect to see a highly competitive bunch ready to bring their very best to the mat. Keep an eye out for teams that earned “Gold Bids,” meaning they scored so well in their qualifying event that they earned free registration to the event. 

This year’s winners will earn a coveted #whitejacket, as well as a trophy and championship banner. 

You may think that at this point in the season you’ve seen it all, but The U.S. Finals never fails to impress. Plus, through the Champions Challenge teams can compete in their region but still be ranked against teams from other locations, allowing each division to crown a Grand Champion! 

The best part? You can catch the U.S. Finals LIVE right here on Varsity.tv! You’ll be able to watch Halls A & D on Saturday and Sunday, along with the Awards Hall. 
See you this weekend in Virginia Beach!