Fool-Proof Pool Party, Complete With Team Activities!

Fool-Proof Pool Party, Complete With Team Activities!

Summer is here so let's break the ice and take team bonding to the next level!

Apr 1, 2018 by Varsity TV
Fool-Proof Pool Party, Complete With Team Activities!

Breaking the ice can be difficult for teams with lots of new members or a handful of rookies. But it's also a perfect reason to jump into summer and mingle with your team like a seasoned socialite with a pool party! 

We've got the details covered, so grab some sunscreen and your favorite pair of sunnies--this pool party plan is on point.

The Invites

Nothing sets the bar like a creative invitation. Hand-deliver customized beach towels or write the party information on a beach ball. The team will love your initiative, and surely save the date for your soiree.


On the day of the party, send a reminder of what to bring: swimsuit, sunglasses, an extra change of clothes and a side dish for the snack bar (tailor to your party plans). For max participation, a reminder will be very helpful for your forgetful friends.

Fruit & Juice Station

It's going to be hot out there, so set up a variety of juices on ice, and provide pretty cups and little umbrellas to top it all off. If you want to go the extra mile, cut up an assortment of fruit and provide skewers. These can be added to the drink or become a tasty snack!


You've set up the party and planned the activities--let the team do the rest! Ask the freshmen to bring chips; sophomores to bring home-made snacks and sides; juniors to bring drinks; and the seniors to bring dessert!

Make It A Blast With These Fun Activities:

Pool noodle ring toss

Form rings using pool noodles and decorative duck tape. One team member will hold a regular pool noodle in the air, while the tosser stands on the other end of the pool. See which team can get all of their rings on the noodle first! 

Pool volleyball

Set up a volleyball net in the middle of the pool, form teams, and let the games begin!

Water balloon toss

Make a batch of water balloons, and create baskets out of oversized sand buckets. Divide into teams, and see who can get all their balloons in without popping! Keep it exciting by asking the tosser to move back a few feet after each basket until they reach the end of the pool.

Flash tattoos

Grab some summer flash tattoos and have some fun. This is an easy way to welcome peeps to the party with a simple activity.

Pool-side photo booth

Set up a photo station complete with a Polaroid camera! Get summer props at your local party store and strike a pose. The vintage Polaroids will be a great start for the team scrapbook.

Dive-in movie

When the sun goes down, the party continues! Create a make-shift screen out of a sheet and some string. Use a cheerleading or dance series like the University of Kentucky Dance: Decide To Rise. Toss in some lounge floats, and close out the night relaxing with your new best friends.