Meet Sammy, The Sam Houston Bearkat!

Meet Sammy, The Sam Houston Bearkat!

You can't help but smile when you see a furry, oversized animal heading your way. They're fun, they're friendly, and above all things, they're full of spiri

Aug 16, 2016 by Varsity TV
Meet Sammy, The Sam Houston Bearkat!

You can't help but smile when you see a furry, oversized animal heading your way. They're fun, they're friendly, and above all things, they're full of spirit!

Meet Sammy the Bearkat! He's a fan of Pokémon Go and loves the color orange...

1. Full Name:

Sammy the Bearkat

2. Favorite Color:


3. What do you do in your free time? 

Play Pokémon Go

4. What do most of your fans not know about you?

I enjoy interpretive dance

5. Favorite part of game day?

Kat Stomp

6. Where can we find you at halftime?

High-fiving fans on the concourse!

7. Chick-fil-a or Whataburger?

Whataburger -- Yum!

8. If you could be any other mascot for a day, who would it be?

The Syracuse Orange

9. If you could watch any other mascot slip on a banana peel, who would it be?

The Lumberjack

10. What's your life motto?

"The measure of life is at its service."