Roll Call: Meet the Clemson Tigers!

Roll Call: Meet the Clemson Tigers!

You can spot that Clemson orange from a mile away, and you'll know right away when you've met a Tigers fan -- they're loud, proud and full of school pride.

Sep 18, 2016 by Varsity TV
Roll Call: Meet the Clemson Tigers!
Watch The Trailer - It's Game Day: Clemson!

You can spot that Clemson orange from a mile away, and you'll know right away when you've met a Tigers fan -- they're loud, proud and full of school pride.

This can be said for a lot of schools, but at Clemson, it's contagious. And that's partly due to the spirit squads; great crowd leaders and performers, this team is well-rounded in all things cheerleading.

But even great teams have their sights set on conquering new goals. Spirit coordinator Tori Palmer Polsinello told us what's ahead for her teams this year.

Both teams have strong tumbling this year and our goal will be to maintain and improve on the level of tumbling we have. All girl is working to master a larger variety of inversion/elite stunts and coed is working to have all team members on a similar stunting level. Our goal is to progress our skills throughout the year and show both our strong showmanship and athleticism on the sidelines and court.
Between the large coed team of 24 and all-girl team of 26, the large group of 17 rookies are falling right into place with the group. Led by 15 seniors, the mentorship inside and outside of practice has been incredibly beneficial and will lead into an interesting competition season. Participating in competition is optional for the athletes, so the teams they take to Nationals are up in the air for now.

You can cheer on the Tigers on social by following them on Twitter and Instagram!



Watch the trailer: Clemson University Spirit Squads rally their fans on game day in the new film, It's Game Day: Clemson!