Cheerleader's Choice: 10,000 Votes & Counting!
Cheerleader's Choice: 10,000 Votes & Counting!
Voting has been open for only a few days and over 10,000 votes have been cast so far!

Voting for the 2018 Cheerleader's Choice: School Spirit Spotlight has been open for only a few days and over 10,000 votes have been cast so far!
High School and college cheerleaders are rallying support from their families and communities to be one of the chosen five fan-favorite spirit squads highlighted in exclusive in-depth Varsity TV features—and possibly an original documentary!
Teams have gotten creative on social media to bring in those votes; here are a few of the teams using social rally some support!
Bishop McCourt needs your help to jump into first place!
Bermudian Springs is showing the world why #SpiritMatters!
— Bermudian Springs (@BermAthletics) June 28, 2018
Alamo Heights started a daily countdown to remind their friends to keep voting
Countdown for votes 7 days: starting us off video 7️⃣!! Don’t forget to vote so you can get a glimpse at Alamo Heights Cheer @VarsitySpirit @uiltexas @AustinTGCA ??⬆️ #powertovote #highschoolcheer #uca music by Diplo:we don’t own the rights
— alamo heights cheer (@ahhscheer) June 28, 2018
It's easy! Click HERE to head over to the official ballot. You can vote once a day, every day. So let's hear it for your favorite squads!