BYU Cheer Reflects Back To Hitting On The Bandshell

饾懟饾拤饾拞饾挀饾拞'饾挃 饾懙饾拹饾挄饾拤饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾懗饾拪饾拰饾拞 饾懟饾拤饾拞 饾懇饾拏饾拸饾拝饾挃饾拤饾拞饾拲饾拲!
April brought a special moment for BYU Cheer as they 饾悋饾悎饾悡 on the bandshell to bring home a third place finish in Advanced Small Coed Division IA! Varsity TV caught up with the Cougars to reflect back on that special moment!