2023 Encore Grand Nationals

Look Back At The 10 Highest Scoring L6 Routines At Encore Grand Nationals

Look Back At The 10 Highest Scoring L6 Routines At Encore Grand Nationals

Check out the 10 highest-scoring Level 6 routines from the 2023 Encore Grand Nationals!

Dec 19, 2023 by Arielle Dworetsky
Look Back At The 10 Highest Scoring L6 Routines At Encore Grand Nationals

That's a wrap for the 2023 Encore Grand Nationals in Houston, Texas! This was the final opportunity in 2023 for Southwest teams to earn bids to end-of-the-season championship events and 600 points towards The League by Varsity All Star

Check out the 10 highest-scoring Level 6 routines from the 2023 Encore Grand Nationals!

1. Spirit of Texas Royalty

Event Score: 96.4292

L6 Senior Medium Coed

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2. Woodlands Elite - OR Generals

Event Score: 96.0541

L6 Senior Small

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3. Woodlands Elite - OR Black Ops

Event Score: 95.8250

L6 Senior Small Coed

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4. Star Vipers San Antonio Hiss

Event Score: 95.7000

L6 Senior XSmall Coed

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5. Woodlands Elite - OR Gunsmoke

Event Score: 95.4833

L6 Senior Medium Coed

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6. Woodlands Elite OR - G.I. Janes

Event Score: 94.0476

L6 - U18 NT

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7. Cheer Athletics Austin Black Diamond

Event Score: 93.7458

L6 Senior XSmall Coed

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8. Stars Vipers Katy Cobra Kai

Event Score: 93.5292

L6 Senior XSmall

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9. All-Star Revolution Freedom

Event Score: 93.3792

L6 Limited - XSmall

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10. Spirit of Texas A-Team

Event Score: 93.1708

L6 Senior Medium

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