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Beyond The Routine: Woodlands Elite (Trailer)
Mar 31, 2016
Go Beyond The Routine as Varsity TV takes you behind the scenes of Woodlands Elite's Generals and Black Ops teams.
Meet the Generals
Experience the competition weekend of the reigning Worlds Champion, Generals, as they strive for perfection in attempting upgrades to their routine. Coached by Kevin Tonner, the Generals are a highly decorated team with numerous NCA National titles and title of World Champion in 2015. See what hard work goes into to being one of the most anticipated teams to watch in the All Star community.
Meet the Black Ops
Watch their journey as they travel to Oklahoma City to test their skills against other teams and come out on top. Coached by Jessica Marshall, the Black Ops attend Oklahoma City with only one goal in mind...to win a Bid to The Cheerleading Worlds. Oklahoma City is an important opportunity to win a full paid bid to The Cheerleading Worlds which takes place April 23 - 25, 2016 at the Walt Disney World® Resort.