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Daytona Dreams: California Baptist University (Trailer)
Jun 13, 2018
The sun is shining in Daytona Beach, Florida, and the sound of the ocean waves crashing is all you can hear from the Band Shell before the music begins and teams put on their best performance at NCA & NDA College Nationals.
California Baptist University Cheer Team are the reigning five-time back-to-back national champions. This is the last year that they will be competing in the All-Girl DII division and, for the first time ever, they will go head-to-head with Davenport University. Just like CBU, Davenport also won five consecutive titles but in the All-Girl DIII division.
Follow CBU Cheer through their journey in Daytona Beach at NCA & NDA College Nationals 2018 in this new two-part series: Daytona Dreams: California Baptist University.